CogniKite Consulting Inc. provides Counselling and Evaluation to the people wanting to work, study, invest or Visit Canada.

The vision behind the establishment of this company is to provide People with personalized services to assist them in selecting the best education/Work programmes at world-class universities and colleges or companies that suit their academic background, personal interests, and family background. We provide personalised services to People in order to meet their educational needs while studying/working abroad. We carefully examine each Person's profile and candidacy, as well as their needs, and assist them in selecting universities, programs or companies based on their qualifications and financial resources.

  • Creating an aspirant's profile
  • Compilation of appropriate application documents
  • Document Examination
  • Scholarship support for deserving candidates (if a Student)
  • Application preparation for institutes/Companies
  • Interview preparation for both admission and visa
  • Visa assistance Applications
  • Pre–departure Instructions

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